You are Brave , because your still Alive.

How many times did life throw you missiles when you actually thought everything is going to be alright?
How many times you slept with peace that tomorrow is going to be another wonderful day but technically it isn’t!
How far you are planning to travel when you already knew that this pattern is not going to change any better but to teach you the lessons frequently?
Sometimes the hardest battle in our life is to sail through the hardship rather than reaching our destiny. Every morning we get up with an absolute uncertainty and get ready to face the day and I strongly believe that same uncertainty is what keeping us alive. We tend to miss most the excitement of life simply by predicting it.
Excitement of Rain
Excitement of Seedling
Excitement of baby’s first kick at Mother’s Womb
Excitement of beginning something New
Excitement of finishing your work with Satisfaction.
Didn’t I tell you all that this life is all about uncertainty and excitement?
There are days where you literally don't want to move away from your bed, and that is completely fine. Your journey has never been easy nor its going to be. Hurdles and excitements are the most critical flavor life can offer us to each one of us. People who miss to realize the essence of life tend to hit the bottom ground in the twinkling on an eye, Sometimes I don't blame them either because end of the day universe is responsible for everything.
Sometimes Universe doesn't give everything you ask, Rather it will make you to ask for the things which its longing to give from the beginning you came out from your Mother's womb. We have been patterned in a way that life and its emotions are not constant and consistent. This imbalance that we create in are daily lives in terms of emotions and action is what keeps us moving.
So Celebrate if its perfect, Embrace if its imperfect and Keep Moving.