How Deep you can Dive In
Human Brain is one of the fattest organs in human body as it comprehend 60% of fat. So keep a sharp lookout that sometime your thoughts can be cushy at the same time your own fatty substance can eat you. So whenever your lost in hunch muse on one thing “You are allowed to go deep in thoughts until you touch the fathomless ocean bed but don’t forget to swim against the current of water without losing your breath”

Sometimes life seems to be a saddle on a contrary some days are plume on its own way. Life can have its own roller coaster norms to play with our fate but its so unfair that it expects us alone to play in a fair fashion with its unfair norms.
Over the Evolution on this Universe, Humans preserved themselves from all the races and adversity during the struggle of life and got adapted to the immediate and that is why we call ourselves as “ Survival of the fittest”, But today most of us forget our own evolution.
We often don’t twig that its all about pin-pong games played by our own chemicals in the brain. Each and every chemical is responsible for all your emotions. So from next time please don’t blame humans but your chemicals of the brain. If you don’t sway your own cushy substance then how can you blame other species for affecting your emotions when your chemicals solely holds up the responsibility. I am not asking you to be fair with your life but fair with yourselves, because Your are the center of this Universe.
Let me tell you something “ Stop expecting things from this life instead focus on what life is expecting out of you, but with one loop hole that you need not play fair game all the time with this life which often put you down with the unfair state of affairs.
Never hold your thoughts, that’s the dangerous thing you can do to yourselves. Let the thoughts flow in you. Allow yourself to deep dive. Allow yourself to get lost in thoughts but all i am stressing is ‘Stay Conscious’. Never lose yourself in the journey of deep thoughts because at the end you need to hold your breath and recoup to the surface of the water as the Dawn and Dusk awaits for you.
It’s not by happenstance that Heart and Brain are composed 73% of Water, it has a special purpose of flush out the toxins from your thoughts and souls.
So allow your brain to do its JOB!